Thursday, May 30, 2013

Who are you??

I know I know... it has been a couple of months since I have posted on here.  I really want to be better about that, I will certainly try!  I think the last post I made was about my salad jars.  Well they work great... but if you're like me and get bored easily with food, it's not such a great idea.

Anyway on to today's post.  Who are you? No, not the song by The Who (which incidentally always makes me think of the theme song for CSI Las Vegas) but who are you?  Easy question right?  But once you begin to think about it you might think to yourself, "I'm a nurse" but that's your career.  "I'm a female" but that's your gender... tough right??  So who are you when you take away everything that you identify with, everything that makes you, you?

I have a difficult time with this question because I have identified with my schooling, career and just being busy for so long, I lost sight of who I am.  So whatever answer you respond with, I want to also give you an answer to identify with... You are a Child of God.  This answer is one that will never be taken away, lost, destroyed or be a disappointment to you.  You are loved by the Creator of the universe, and to me, I could not think of a better identity for myself.

I added a video of a song that perfectly fits with this post, I hope you like it!

Have a great day,
